Today the Revolutionary leader is have a civil war with the rebellions the civilized citizen of Libya. The people of Libya are trying to get Gaddafi to resign, but EL Gaddafi said "he will fight until theres no air to breath and that if his own people want to fight then he has weapons and man power to fight and cruse them".
According to articles I have read Gaddafi is a monster sent to Earth to destroy. Relationships with the west got very bad towards the middle of the 1980s. Gaddafi’s administration was made responsible for terrorist attacks all over the world. US President Ronald Reagan called Gaddafi a “mad dog” and sent planes to bomb Libyan cities. In one of the air attacks the Libyan leader almost got killed.
In 1988 270 people were killed by a bomb in a Pan Am jet over Lockerbie, Scotland. Gaddafi was suspected of letting the bombers hide in his country. The UN imposed sanctions on Libya and isolated the country to get Gaddafi to hand over the terrorists.
Towards the end of the century Gaddafi tried to bring his country out of isolation. He handed the terrorists over to the UN and declared that Libya was behind the bombing. In the last few years Gaddafi has been working hard on normalizing relationships between Libya and the United States.
After Saddam Hussein lost power in 2003 Gaddafi became afraid that he too might have to step down. He allowed weapons inspectors into the country and vowed to dismantle Libya’s weapons of mass destruction. In the last few years Gaddafi turned a statesman and met important western leaders including British Prime Minister Tony Blair, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. http://www.english-online.at/people/gaddafi/muammar-gaddafi-revolutionary-leader-of-libya.htm
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